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Summer Valley School, not only sees its role in helping a child achieve his/her potential till class 12, but also envisions helping him/her prepare to face college life and environment.
The school in collaboration with Shishya Society and Admizzionz Campuz Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi has designed a unique programme wherein the child is prepared to face college life confidently and is provided with career and admission guidance for admission in colleges.
The Shishya Society runs a comprehensive four day workshop which is specifically designed to prepare the child to handle real life issues effectively, once he/she steps outside the protective school environment and enter college life.This brings awareness amongst the students about issues like ragging, peer pressure, etc. The capsule is designed to enable students to make relevant and crucial choices in context to college life.
Conducted in a highly interactive format using discussion, role-plays, worksheets, real life examples and small group work, students are challenged to think about following issues relevant to college life:
Responding to situations , Ragging and Limits, Boy-girl relationship, Peer pressure, Risks, safety & adventure, Rights and wrongs, Purpose of life.
Career and College Admission Guidance:
A wide variety of career choices, 400 plus Universities and over 22000 colleges in India offering more than 600 courses, compounded by the geographic spread of the country and the complex admission process, the parents and students go through a traumatic process, first in getting to know what their interests are, what education options are available and then understand the process of getting admission into the college of their choice before finally undergoing the process to get admissions post their Class XII. Many students end up making compromises in terms of choice of careers, courses and colleges. We have even noticed that this becomes quite a distraction and tend to take the focus of the students away from their objective of doing well in their class XII board examination.
Given this background, the school has engaged Admizzionz Campuz (a division of Right Track Admizzionz Campuz Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi ) to provide career, admission guidance for colleges in India, at our own school premises.
They administer an assessment tool which through an in-depth process captures the student's interests and aptitude and helps translate them into right career choices. They then conduct one to one session to help the student interpret the report and make an appropriate choice of career. A report detailing the conclusions is given to the student.
The advisors conduct individual session with each student to plan their college admissions and guide them through the process of admission too. They also assist the student in the steps required to be completed by the student to secure admission in a course/college by keeping track of important dates for entrance examinations/application process, help in sourcing of application forms, guidance to fill the application form, submission of forms.
Therefore the student is able to complete a significant part of the college admission process at the school without having to run around various colleges across different locations saving precious time, effort and money. We believe that this programme could be a significant step towards helping our students at Summer Valley to stand out in a crowd and Own their Future.