No man, indeed no institution can claim to be perfect. On can, however, always
try to do so. Striving for excellence and perfection is a challenge that must be
taken up and all efforts made to be successful so that one has the satisfaction
of at least having made an honest attempt in that direction.
Summer Valley School came into existence on 1st April, 1994 with six teachers and
122 students, including 22 boarders, who had qualified for admission out of 270
who had taken the entrance tests held earlier. The school began with six sections
in classes IV to VII, with plans to add one class per year.
Commencing with a modest beginning in 1994, Summer Valley School, in keeping with
its motto to 'attain and excel', was soon making waves in the educational field,
excelling at academics as well as co-curricular activities and sports. From 122
students in 6 sections in 1994 to over 1400 students in 36 sections in Summer Valley
School and 1380 students in 37 sections in Sun Valley School, it has been a success
story all the way.
The following achievements attempt to take you down memory lane, on a journey of
how the school grew and excelled the first modest steps as well as the sprint on
the track of providing quality education, holistic overall development of children
and striving to prepare good citizens of tomorrow.
2008 (Academic & Co-curricular Achievements)
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2009 (Academic & Co-curricular Achievements)
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2011 (Academic & Co-curricular Achievements)
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